Build Next Generation

Enterprise Software


XF Platform


The x Framework or XF as we call it, is a Software Productivity Platform that helps you build business applications the same way you would with code, but ..
Better, Cheaper and Faster.

XF has a goal, which is to change the way software is developed and maintained by enabling rapid delivery of next-gen, scalable, business applications with minimal coding - that too in open standards such as HTML, JS and CSS.

In XF, everything is an API. In fact, one of the things we pride ourselves on is that XF is built on XF and runs via it's own APIs! The platform essentially acts a central hub that enables users to design, amend and customise REST APIs on the fly via metadata, and follow a standard schema.

Since our REST APIs expose data as stateless JSON, the presentation layer (UI) is truly independent, open to end-users and customisable with no vendor-lock. Over the years, we have built a variety of plug-and-play components that can be used and enhanced by software developers across the world.
Moreover, there are third party Themes, Templates and Components that are either free or available under generous licensing terms.

By using XF, what you get is a business application that follows 4 best practices, which are..
Service Oriented Design:
Individual pieces of business functionality that are independently developed, deployed and managed.
API First:
All functionalities within the application are exposed through standard REST APIs. This makes it possible to tie together two or more applications or services.
Cloud-Native SaaS:
Software-as-a-Service that leverages the full capabilities of the cloud.
The front-end user experience is completely decoupled from the back-end logic, allows complete design freedom in creating the user interface for any device.

Proven, Tried & Tested

XF has many years of intensive R&D behind it, and has been fine-tuned over a period of time. It has proven itself, and powers enterprise applications in a variety of organisations spanning diverse industries.

A key benefit is that functionalities that require repetitive hand-coding are already 'component-ised' and abstracted by the platform. Apart from common processes such as Authentication, JWTs and Role Based Access, you also get UI Rendering, Validation, and Transaction based commits - out of the box.

Do note that XF is not a code generator - rather it relies on process definitions and builds the system on the fly. The end user changes the definition, and the whole application changes while its still running!


Moving from monolithic or suite-based technology to Service Oriented Architecture allows an organisation the freedom to choose from the best tools on the market today. The architecture makes it easy to add, replace, or remove services in the future as and when required.

Our aim is to enable non-programmers, typically business analytics or academics, and make it possible for them create state-of-the-art software applications by focusing on their core expertise, while 'copy-pasting' other parts of the application from a curated repository.

Domain Experts thus compile their knowledge into structured units that can be shared and accessed via APIs within or beyond organisational boundaries.

Compared to traditional software application development models, what you can achieve is


Less Code


Time Saved





Case Studies

Our platform lets you build No Limit apps that have best practices baked into them. This allows you to be less dependent on quality of programmer hires and grow the application along with growth of your business. The apps you build are not something you prototype and then discard at a later stage. Instead it becomes the basis of something that can become as complex as you can imagine it to be. You have the power to extend and customise independently without any limitation whatsoever (* on-premise licensing model).

Secondly, Few LC/NC vendors actually let the user build enterprise grade apps with UI Components that are Open Source, in the user's control and in plain HTML/CSS.

Here are examples of few select applications developed using our platform. They range from simplest to the relativelt complex and cover a variety of use-cases and industries.

Booking, Event & Capacity Planning, Ticketing, E-commerce

Tourism Sector - Major Water Sports Operator

A leading Water Sports & Yacht Charter company that offers all types of sea craft including jet skis, speed boats (from small ones to large power boats), sailing yachts, catamarans, cabin cruisers.

XF was used to build a complete system for Events Planning, Capacity and Availability APIs, Sales Agents, Commissions, Customer Bookings, Ticketing, Redeeming of tickets with scanners on-site, Integrated website with live availability.

  • Design, Prototyping,Deployment to Go Live : 3-4 Months
  • Number of Lines of Custom Code : 300
  • Number of Logins : 600+

TakeOffs Management, QS & Cost Control

A Large Construction Company

Decided to build a tool that can be used to achieve Centralised Reporting- Budget, Resource & Cost Analysis

This tool should allow their Quantity Surveyors to follow a standard methodology and to structure BOQs within a centralised database.
The TakeOffs should be recorded electronically into a database, instead of local spreadsheets, even from sites with devices such as mobile phones or tablets.
The data is then used top management to achieve Accurate Cost Control across Projects and manage Resources and Assets effectively.

The organisation should also able to Generate AFPs on demand with few clicks – thereby shortening the payment cycle. The system should also ensure that margins are maintained and right rates are applied to each work carried out while carrying out TakeOffs

For this requirement, a web based, responsive, customisable application was developed using XF

  • From Analysis, Review, Prototyping,Deployment to Go Live : 6 Months
  • Lines of Custom Code : <1500
  • Number of Users : 50+
  • Specific Requirements : Ability Import of BOQ from Excel; User defined Measurement [Formulae]; Rate Library; PDF Reporting

Time Tracking and Billing Software

Standalone SaaS application for Accountants, Lawyers and other professionals with ever-growing feature list

Timetrakk is an app that lets users within an organisation track time spent, with rates that vary across projects, clients and task types.
Multi-Tenancy is inbuilt, which means users of a particular organisation cannot access data related to another organisation, although the SaaS application is managed and administered on a single database server hosted on the cloud.

The fuel record is held in a database where it is later used for analytics.

For this requirement, a responsive application that works on desktop as well as mobile devices using data connectivity was developed using XF

  • Development Time : 30 Minutes
  • Number of Entities : ~15
  • Number of Users : Unlimited
  • Deployment Type : On Premise

Components & Specifications Database

Projects Plus Ltd

Projects Plus Limited (PPL) is an agency that provides consultancy services to the Government with regards to the planning and implementation of various large building and construction projects.

In collaboration with other Government entities, it is currently working on a large affordable housing project which includes the construction of 768 new apartments and 626 lock-up garages/car spaces around the Maltese Islands.
This project has a total investment that amounts to around 58 Million Euro.

PPL required a system that can help architects and designers compile information and manage data related to products, specifications and materials more effectively through a central database accessible that is securely accessible online.

Using XF, a software was built that facilitates Architects and Engineers in the preparation of Data Sheets and collaborative management of Specifications, whilst providing a robust and comprehensive methodology for managing data in a rights based manner with version control.

  • Requirement Analysis > Agile Development > Go Live: 6 Months
  • Number of Lines of Custom Code : < 2000
  • Number of Users : Unlimited
  • Deployment Mode: On Premise

Why XF?

Our platform abstracts away the complexity and enables rapid delivery of state-of-the-art software applications with a minimum of hand-coding

Software Made Easy

Every organisation has unique processes and adaptations. This is the reason why they retain competitive advantage over another. Due to inflexible and off-the-shelf standard systems, these processes are not systematically captured or remains in spreadsheets.

Our technology is an attempt to change the situation. A way for software to be created with ease, with substantially less resources and most importantly, make it work without much code.


Our technology has consistently demonstrated that development of applications is possible with 80% less code than methods that use conventional workflows.

XF helps build Low Maintenance, scalable apps that conform to industry standards.

This results in saving almost 70% of developer time (and by extension, money)


There is no new proprietary stack or languague to learn! Just standard HTML, CSS and JavaScript.

Create flexible, ‘API First’ apps that can be enhanced independently with no tie-in to our platform.

Code where custom business logic is needed, and package them as services through standard REST APIs. Data also remains in your control. Query independently as you would with a standard RDBMS.


Our platform helps build solutions that are secure and can be scaled across an organization.

It can enhance the reach of innovative solutions developed by employees and pipe it through a standard and structured approach that helps IT governance.

Empowering Citizen Developers

Citizen developers are usually the first to engage with low-code tools. XF allows them to utilise their skillsets fully & move from Spreadsheets Macros to Enterprise grade apps.


Our platform facilitates 'Open Innovation' by enabling the entire world to contribute (as well as profit) by creating modular components in an open and standard stack. The IP rights to such components are owned by the contributor and not by us.


We offer simple, transparent, Pricing & Licensing Terms

0 /mo
  • Up to 10 Units
  • 1GB Storage
  • 1GB/mo Bandwidth
  • Max 5 User Logins
  • Free Upgrades
Get Started
10 /mo/unit
  • Per Unit (Entity or Aggregate)
  • 1GB/Unit Storage
  • 2GB/Unit/mo Bandwidth
  • 2 User Logins/Unit
  • Dedicated Support
Get Started
0,000 /App
  • Self Hosted/On Premise
  • Unlimited Units
  • Enterprise License
  • 1 Named Application
  • Premium Support
Contact Us



Ideaware Limited

PM Buildings, Level 3, Mriehel Bypass, Birkirkara, BKR3000

Malta, Europe


+356 9909 3829